
Certainly! The college library is often considered the heart of academic excellence within an educational
 institution. Its tranquil ambiance, along with the wealth of books and resources it offers, acts as a catalyst
 for scholarly pursuits.
 Library Name and Dedication: Our college library is named in honor of Captain Amol Kalia, a brave
 soldier who was posthumously awarded the "Vir Chakra" for his remarkable courage, leadership, fighting
 spirit, and ultimate sacrifice during the Kargil war. This dedication underscores our commitment to
 honoring the memory of heroes and fostering a spirit of bravery and dedication among our students.
 Location and Facilities: Situated on the first floor, the library boasts an impressive total area of 3751
 square feet, accommodating up to 150 students at a time. The library is designed to be spacious, well
ventilated, and adequately lit, ensuring a conducive environment for study. It is also equipped with a
 generator to ensure uninterrupted services in case of power outages.
 Key Features and Resources:
 Collection: The library houses an extensive collection of 31,234 books, covering a wide range of
 subjects. This diverse collection caters to the academic needs of students and faculty alike.
 Additionally, there are 11 magazines and 8 journals available, providing further academic
 Newspapers: Keeping users informed on current events, the library subscribes to 10 newspapers,
 enabling students and faculty to stay updated on the latest news and affairs.
 Library Software (KOHA): To manage its resources efficiently, the library utilizes "KOHA," an
 open-source Integrated Library Management Software. This user-friendly software streamlines
 various library functions, including cataloging and circulation.

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